Why the name?

A girl who has experienced it all in college, and realizes that the best mates are the one who has power, money, and status.
- Urban Dictionary

Some of you may know who I really am. A person who fell in love with someone who has everything... He may not be as hot as your boyfriend, but he WAS my Christian Grey. I depended on him.
I thought I had it all. I thought I was the lucky one. But then I asked myself, what's in it for me? Am I doing this to improve myself or for physical world matters? It sucks to know that I used to be narcissistic. I need to get up and show the world what I am capable of. That I am not just a Trophy Girlfriend. This is the Trophy Girl Diaries.

Monday, March 31, 2014

-BLACK Statement-

Let me share with you....


Black is the color of ebony and out of outer space..  Black was one of the first colors used by the artists in neolithic cave paintings. in the 14th century, it began to be worn by royalty, the clergy, judges in much of Europe.  it became the color worn by English romantic poets in the 19th century and a high fashion color in the 20th century. As in the Western World today, it is also the color most commonlyassociated with mouring, evil, magic, the end, violence, power, secrets, and ELEGANCE.

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