Why the name?

A girl who has experienced it all in college, and realizes that the best mates are the one who has power, money, and status.
- Urban Dictionary

Some of you may know who I really am. A person who fell in love with someone who has everything... He may not be as hot as your boyfriend, but he WAS my Christian Grey. I depended on him.
I thought I had it all. I thought I was the lucky one. But then I asked myself, what's in it for me? Am I doing this to improve myself or for physical world matters? It sucks to know that I used to be narcissistic. I need to get up and show the world what I am capable of. That I am not just a Trophy Girlfriend. This is the Trophy Girl Diaries.

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Why Blue?

I have always loved the color blue since i was child...  But I kept asking myself why? 
Well, it always put a smile on my face every time i see it. 

Blue is representing the coolest color.  It is the color of clear sky, the deep sea, royalty, inspiration, sincerity. Thus, blue makes a vital role in our daily lives.-)

The person who desires the color blue is sentimental, and loves small things.  If you love blue like me,  you are fairly even tempered, unless your emotions take over - then you can become either moody and over-emotional, or cool and indifferent.  You appear to be confident and self-controlled, but may be hiding your vulnerable side.

And you can be too cautious and worry about every little thing.  

It's undeniably me!

Shoes: Valentino

That is why I'm blue without BLUE...  How about you?  What's your favorite color?

'Til my next post, take care!!!

Your Trophy Girlfriend